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Press Room
The license was withdrawn from the Forex Club brokerage company. For violations of customer service rules.
European Central Bank (ECB) extends existing temporary swap and repo lines with non-euro area central banks to 15 January 2024 following central banks’ extension requests. These liquidity lines are part of ECB’s monetary policy tools.
Publication of the Decree approving the regulations for the development of the requirements to exercise as digital overseer.
Law 24/2022, of 30 June, on the digital representation of assets through the use of cryptography and distributed record book technology and Blockchain
How can we help you ?
Press Room
The license was withdrawn from the Forex Club brokerage company. For violations of customer service rules.
European Central Bank (ECB) extends existing temporary swap and repo lines with non-euro area central banks to 15 January 2024 following central banks’ extension requests. These liquidity lines are part of ECB’s monetary policy tools.
Publication of the Decree approving the regulations for the development of the requirements to exercise as digital overseer.
Law 24/2022, of 30 June, on the digital representation of assets through the use of cryptography and distributed record book technology and Blockchain
EU Institutions Financial Regulatory (EUIFR) is the regulatory body for non-bank financial services in Belgium, particularly for those services provided by entities licensed or registered under the Financial Services Commission Act, Cap. 272 Revised Edition 2020 and the Securities Industry Act, 2021. We are an independent self-financing statutory body that provides service oriented, continuous, risk-based approach regulation, that is built on integrity, accountability, adaptability & reliability.
EU Institutions Financial Regulatory (EUIFR) is the regulatory body for non-bank financial services in Belgium, particularly for those services provided by entities licensed or registered under the Financial Services Commission Act, Cap. 272 Revised Edition 2020 and the Securities Industry Act, 2021. We are an independent self-financing statutory body that provides service oriented, continuous, risk-based approach regulation, that is built on integrity, accountability, adaptability & reliability.
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