Members of the EU Institutions Financial Regulatory
All financial service providers, after passing an audit, receive a license from EU Institutions Financial Regulatory.

The EU Institutions Financial Regulatory is an approved financial dispute resolution scheme, created and approved by the Law on Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) dated 2008.

EU Institutions Financial Regulatory makes it easy for financial service providers and consumers to process and resolve complaints.

If you are unsure whether a financial service provider is a member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Service, you can find it out on the website or call us, and we will help you get where you need to.
Let's decide and build together
Our theme for 2021/2022 is "Let's Decide and Build Together"

"We are here to help our members and their clients solve any problems
they face and at the same time continue to build business of the EU Institutions Financial Regulatory".

  • Trevod Slater - Director of Customer Relations
Members of the EU Institutions Financial Regulatory
All financial service providers, after passing an audit, receive a license from EU Institutions Financial Regulatory.

The EU Institutions Financial Regulatory is an approved financial dispute resolution scheme, created and approved by the Law on Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) dated 2008.

EU Institutions Financial Regulatory makes it easy for financial service providers and consumers to process and resolve complaints.

If you are unsure whether a financial service provider is a member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Service, you can find it out on the website or call us, and we will help you get where you need to.
Let's decide and build together
Our theme for 2021/2022 is "Let's Decide and Build Together"

"We are here to help our members and their clients solve any problems
they face and at the same time continue to build business of the EU Institutions Financial Regulatory".

  • Trevod Slater - Director of Customer Relations